Call For Abstracts
The International Reiki Research Conference will be held virtually (online) on Saturday, October 4th and Sunday, October 5th, 2025. We hope you will attend and contribute your depth of knowledge and expertise by submitting an abstract proposal for an oral presentation.
Types of Abstracts
1) Traditional research abstracts based on original clinical and or translational studies, individual case studies or case reports (five or fewer patients), systematic reviews or meta-analyses, clinical practice guidelines, etc.
2) Abstracts for another educational purpose, such as development of Reiki programs in hospitals, best practices for conducting Reiki research, and other valuable information that contributes to Reiki research.
Submission Deadline
The International Reiki Research Conference call for abstracts will close on June 18th, 2025, at 11:59 pm PT.
Submission Information
- Presenting authors will be notified of acceptance by July 3rd, 2025.
- The presenting author is expected to register for the International Reiki Research Conference by August 20th, 2025.
- Scientific abstracts must present original data.
- Abstracts will be evaluated on the data included in the submission and need to be based on available data. Statements such as “data will be available for the meeting” will typically lead to rejection of an abstract.
- Accepted abstracts will be selected for a 20-minute oral presentation (15-minute presentation with 5-minute Q&A).
- Abstracts are presented by an individual, typically the submitting author.
- Acknowledgement of receipt of abstract will be sent to the presenting author’s email upon completion of submission.
- More than one abstract may be submitted but no more than two will be accepted per presenting author.
Status Notification
Notification of your proposal status will be sent by July 3rd, 2025. Please hold the conference dates of Saturday, October 4th and Sunday, October 5th, 2025, until you are notified of the status of your submission.
Submission Requirements
Submissions MUST include the following information:
- Contact information for all presenters involved in the session being proposed
- Session title (maximum of 150 characters)
- Abstracts are limited to 250 words and must include the following information: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions
- All submissions must be made through the Call for Abstracts Submission Form
- Submission must include demographics information for the Presenting Author
Due to the level of interest in presenting abstracts and constraints of the conference schedule, some worthy proposals might not be accepted. Choosing the appropriate abstract topic and ensuring all items on the application are carefully addressed, will increase the chance of acceptance. Selection will be determined by the Scientific Review Committee based on scientific quality, theme representation, appropriateness of the format, relevance to advancing research in Reiki, and the number of presentation slots available.
Abstract Terms & Conditions
By submitting an abstract, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
- Accepted presenters do not receive compensation or reimbursement of expenses for presentation at the Reiki Research Conference.
- All presenting authors must register and pay to attend the Reiki Research Conference.
- If selected, presenters agree to adhere to the schedule established by the Reiki Research Conference and comply with all requirements set forth by the Center for Reiki Research.
If you have any questions regarding the Call for Abstracts process or the Reiki Research Conference, please email